How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People

Sogbanmu Adewunmi

Written by

Sogbanmu Adewunmi

Successful individuals possess unique habits that contribute to their achievements, productivity, and overall fulfillment. By incorporating these habits into your own life, you can also pave the way for success and create a fulfilling journey. In this article, we will explore how to cultivate and implement the seven most dominant habits of highly successful people.

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  1. Be Intentional
  2. Have a Long-Term Plan
  3. Have a Productive Schedule
  4. Work Hard, Work Smart
  5. Learn From Mentors
  6. Take Calculated Risks
  7. Engage in Self-Development

1. Be Intentional

How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People - Be Intentional

Successful individuals take control of their lives by being proactive and intentional. They don’t wait for opportunities to come their way; instead, they actively create and seize them. To develop this habit, take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Set clear goals and take productive steps toward achieving them. By being intentional, you shape your future and gain the power to achieve your desired outcomes.

2. Have a Long-Term Plan

How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People - Have a Long-Term Plan

A crucial habit of successful people is having a long-term plan. They create a clear vision of the life they desire and break it down into achievable goals. This purpose-driven approach guides their decisions and actions, providing focus and motivation.

Cultivate this habit by defining your vision, setting specific goals, and mapping out the necessary steps to reach them. A well-defined plan enables you to make decisions aligned with your long-term objectives and leads to success.

3. Have a Productive Schedule

How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People - Have a Productive Schedule
Bich Tran/Pexels

Prioritizing your time and energy is crucial for success. Highly successful individuals know how to identify and focus on the tasks that contribute to their purpose. To cultivate this habit, identify your most important tasks and prioritize them based on urgency and importance. Utilize tools like planners or calendars to schedule your tasks and allocate sufficient time for completion. Remember, time is your most valuable resource, so use it wisely.

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4. Work Hard, Work Smart

How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People - Work Hard, Work Smart
Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Achieving success requires a combination of hard work and smart work. Successful individuals leverage tools and systems to enhance the quality and efficiency of their work while maintaining high-performance standards. 

You should embrace productivity, business, and management software and apps that can help you stay organized and streamline your work. Additionally, give your best effort in everything you do. By combining hard work and smart work, you increase your chances of accomplishing your goals.

5. Learn from Mentors

How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People - Learn from Mentors

Successful individuals understand the value of learning from others who have achieved what they aspire to. Mentors provide guidance, effective strategies, and techniques that have proven successful. To benefit from this habit, seek out mentors who align with your goals and values. Interact with people you admire and ask for their guidance. Many individuals are happy to help others succeed. By learning from mentors, you accelerate your path to success.

6. Take Calculated Risks

How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People - Take Calculated Risks
Allan Mas/Pexels

Highly successful people are not afraid to take calculated risks. They evaluate the potential risks and rewards of each decision and make informed choices based on data and research. They embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Cultivate this habit by conducting thorough research, setting realistic goals, being prepared for potential setbacks, and maintaining persistence. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

7. Engage in Self-Development

How to Implement the 7 Most Dominant Habits of Highly Successful People - Engage in Self-Development
Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Successful individuals prioritize self-care and personal growth. They invest in themselves to enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. To implement this habit, engage in activities that make you feel good, such as exercise, meditation, and pursuing hobbies. Prioritize rest, and nutrition, and seek support when needed.

To grow personally and professionally, read books, attend classes, and participate in workshops. Remember, investing in yourself benefits not only you but also everyone around you.


By implementing the seven dominant habits of highly successful people, you can enhance your path to success and fulfillment. To implement these habits in your life, follow these 7 steps:

  1. Be Intentional
  2. Have a Long Term Plan
  3. Have a Productive Schedule
  4. Work Hard, Work Smart
  5. Learn From Mentors
  6. Take calculated risks
  7. Engage in Self-Development

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Sogbanmu Adewunmi

Article by

Sogbanmu Adewunmi

Sogbanmu Adewunmi is a Personal Development Coach & Content Writer at TMA. He empowers individuals to unlock their potential and achieve personal and professional success.

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