6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success

6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success

Mitch Ihejirika

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For many of us, there is the question of which is better, motivation or discipline? What we may fail to recognize is that both concepts are interwoven. Discipline demands self-control, and the sustenance of motivation to fulfill a desired outcome. In essence, the development of discipline requires you to remain motivated. And if you lose motivation, your discipline is likely to derail.

This is because motivation is the driving force behind every behavior and habit. To be successful, you must remain motivated toward success. Here are 6 productive ways through which you can sustain your motivation for success.

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  1. Define Your Goals
  2. Establish a Productive Routine
  3. Have a Reward System
  4. Work on Your Self-Development
  5. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy
  6. Take Breaks and Unwind

1. Define Your Goals

6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success - define your goals

A lot of us find it difficult to stay motivated in the absence of clear and defined goals. You may have an idea of the quality of results you desire, but you also have to set goals that are specific, attainable, and worthwhile.

Research shows that people with clear goals are more motivated. They are also likely to deliver exceptional performance. Start by defining those goals that align with your grand purpose and vision. As you conquer each goal, your motivation is sure to skyrocket.

2. Establish a Productive Routine

6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success - Establish a Productive Routine

Motivation is best sustained when you have an organized flow of activities. This ensures consistency and balance in your life. A productive routine ensures that everything you do contributes to your success.

It also provides you with a day-to-day structure that helps you track your progress. You can streamline a routine that works for you using project management software like Notion or ClickUp.

3. Have a Reward System

If productivity is a key indicator of motivation, why do we sometimes lack the drive to engage in productive work? Many times, this happens because motivation, like every other emotion, fluctuates. And when there’s a decline in motivation, we are less inclined to engage in creative or productive work.

6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success - Have a Reward System

A sustainable solution is to cultivate a reward system. This is because reward systems promote productivity. This helps you appreciate the quality of work and the success you have so far attained.  Your reward system can include giving yourself a treat for completing your tasks. You should celebrate your victories. This boosts your motivation and drives you to put more effort into the quality of your work.

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4. Work on Your Self-Development

6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success - Work on Your Self-Development

The most sustainable way to cultivate motivation is through self-development. What makes self-development awesome is that you get to experience both immediate and long-term results in your life. And by becoming a better version of yourself, you become your own source of inspiration.

You can engage in self-development by reading self-help books, and through exercise. And also, by listening to motivational audio content like podcasts, speeches, and songs. Our playlist section provides you with an awesome library of motivational audio content.

5. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success - Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

The one secret to staying motivated is to recognize that every positive emotion is best sustained through positive thoughts and experiences. Findings show that people who are resilient use positive emotions to stay grounded.

To stay motivated, you have to think positively. Also, surround yourself with positive people. People who contribute to your happiness and inspire you to strive for success. This helps you create a support system that feeds you with endless positive energy.

6. Take Breaks and Unwind

6 Productive Ways to Sustain Your Motivation for Success - Take Breaks and Unwind

Motivation runs on a special kind of fuel called mental strength. And mental strength requires replenishing to be sustainable. To prevent burnout, you should take periodic breaks from work and tasking activities.

It is important to unwind and release some tension. It is an essential part of the process that allows you to recharge your batteries. Carve out some time for leisure in your daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly routine. Use this time to relax and rebuild the mental strength you need to hunt your goals. You can read books, listen to music, do something fun, or get quality sleep.


Motivation is the driving force behind discipline, success, and high achievement. To sustain your motivation for success, you should do the following:

  1. Define your goals
  2. Establish a productive routine
  3. Have a reward system
  4. Work on your self-development
  5. Surround yourself with positive energy
  6. Take breaks and unwind

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Mitch Ihejirika

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