6 Unique Things You Should Do to Reach a State of Fulfillment - Fulfillment is very attainable when you know how to go about it.

6 Unique Things You Should Do to Reach a State of Fulfillment in Life

Mitch Ihejirika

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Fulfillment is a sense of satisfaction derived from knowing your life is meaningful. It means you live a purpose-driven life, and make a positive impact on the lives of others. If this is true, why does the experience of true fulfillment seem so out of reach for many of us? 

However, fulfillment is very attainable when you know how to go about it. In this article, I share 6 things you should do to find and sustain fulfillment in your life.

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  1. Identify and Follow Your Life’s Purpose
  2. Pursue Your Passion
  3. Set Meaningful Goals
  4. Practice Positive Thinking and Affirmations
  5. Engage in Self-development
  6. Build Lasting Relationships

1. Identify and Follow Your Life’s Purpose

6 Unique Things You Should Do to Reach a State of Fulfillment - Identify and Follow Your Life’s Purpose
Magda Ehlers/Pexels

Fulfillment is what happens when you live as a true expression of yourself. It is an intrinsic state of being we all aspire to. And this is because we each want to live as our utmost expression of self.

For this reason, fulfillment must come from within. And the most productive way to make it happen, is to discover and follow your life’s purpose. Your purpose is the value you choose to contribute to the good of humanity and the universe.

Research shows that purpose-driven people lead more fulfilling lives. Identifying one’s purpose is a personal exercise that you must undertake to reach fulfillment.

2. Pursue Your Passion

6 Unique Things You Should Do to Reach a State of Fulfillment - Pursue Your Passion
Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

Your purpose is a lifelong journey of self-expression. It is the expression of that intrinsic value you choose to contribute. And this is also what makes your passion the most efficient tool for fulfilling your purpose, because your passion gives you a productive avenue for self-expression.

You get to fulfill your purpose when you engage in productive activities that you’re passionate about. And for this reason, your passion comes with ease to you.

Making a valuable impact with your passion may be challenging, and demand time and effort. But challenges are a vital part of the process of fulfilling your life’s purpose. Be sure to engage in those creative and productive activities that you love doing, they are the secret to living at the utmost expression of yourself.

3. Set Meaningful Goals

Goal setting becomes easy when you know your purpose and passion. Your purpose reveals your vision to you. This vision is the primary objective you want to fulfill in life. And your passion reveals your strengths and weakness.

Anna Tarazevich/Pexels

With this clarity, you can set meaningful goals that contribute to the completion of key objectives of your vision, and also push you to become a better version of yourself. Your goals become flag points on your journey to fulfilling your life’s purpose. And for this reason, you find fulfillment and meaning in them.

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4. Practice Positive Thinking and Affirmations

Do you know the quality of your life is determined by the way you think? This study associates quality of life with personal health and attitude toward life. Your thinking influences your perception and attitude about life. This is why the quality of your thoughts determines if you live a happy and fulfilling life or not.

6 Unique Things You Should Do to Reach a State of Fulfillment - Practice Positive Thinking and Affirmations

It is essential that you sustain a positive mindset about life. You can do this by recognizing and appreciating the good in your life. You should also replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts and affirmations.

As you practice this way of thinking, you develop self-awareness. You also come into greater connection with the universe. This helps you see meaning in your existence, and fulfill your life’s purpose.

5. Engage in Self-development

How do you feel when you experience personal growth? Because personal growth leads to self-actualization, it is a good indicator of success and fulfillment.

Engaging in self-growth and development is a great way of accomplishing your vision. It gives you meaning, something worthwhile to strive for. You get to create your best self. What could be more fulfilling?

6 Unique Things You Should Do to Reach a State of Fulfillment - Engage in Self-development
RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Self-development ensures the proper cultivation of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Self-development ensures you are always reaching for the best version of yourself. Yet, self-development can be a challenging experience, because it comes with failure. But failure is only a part of the process, so you must engage with it and learn from it.

You can engage in self-development by reading self-help books. You can also listen to podcasts and watch tutorials in your areas of interest.

6. Build Lasting Relationships

6 Unique Things You Should Do to Reach a State of Fulfillment - Build Lasting Relationships

The quality of your relationships has a great influence on the outcome of your life. The kind of people you surround yourself with matters. Family and friends form an integral part of a meaningful life. This is why you have to be intentional about the quality of relationships you build with others.

You build meaningful relationships by choosing to be a positive influence on others. As you express love and kindness to others, you attract to yourself, the best quality of life which can be described as fulfillment.


You deserve to live a fulfilling life, and you can make it happen for you. Do these 6 unique things to find fulfillment in life:

  1. Identify and follow your life’s purpose
  2. Pursue your passion
  3. Set meaningful goals
  4. Practice positive thinking and affirmations
  5. Engage in self-development
  6. Build lasting relationships

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Mitch Ihejirika

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